Creative Workshops

The content of the Creative Workshops will be based on the Intercultural Citizenship Education Handbook of ALF. Each Creative Workshop (Sweden, Morocco and Jordan) will involve 2 people from each of the partner countries. The country in which the workshop is held will take the lead in the content of the creative workshop and provide local context to the discussion of intercultural citizenship education and facilitate the group activities. During the workshops intense work (including group tasks, creative challenges, conversation exercises etc) will be carried out to develop examples, tasks and guidelines to be included in the EUROMED Education Without Borders toolkit and web resource.

Through the three creative meetings the participants have received new ideas and tools on how to use creativity in addressing societal issues and have participated in developing them further. The methodology has been comprised together into a concrete form as a toolkit and also uploaded o the electronic web-resource that can be used as an education tool by participant organisations, but also schools, youth centers etc.
Outputs: 3 creative meetings carried out, toolkit and electronic web-resource developed.